At Market Calculus, we Integrate Market Research and Data Science with Differentiated Technology
Integrated Research & Analytics + Differentiated Tech = the Calculus of Growth
At Market Calculus, we Integrate Market Research and Data Science with Differentiated Technology • Integrated Research & Analytics + Differentiated Tech = the Calculus of Growth •
What is Calculus?
Simultaneously developed by Newton and Leibnitz at the turn of the 18th century, Calculus is a discipline within mathematics that resolves rates of change. It’s two major branches, Integration and Differentiation, enable complex practical problems to be solved with perfect accuracy quickly and efficiently, even with only a pencil and paper.
While today we have computers at our disposal, the need to solve challenging problems accurately and efficiently is greater than ever, especially in business and marketing. Inspired by the pioneers of Calculus, Caspar Wright and Rob Pardini launched Market Calculus with a vision to transform business decision-making through integrated market research and data science.